I have been living with Bipolar Depression since I was 11 years old. I was always this happy kid, full of joy and promise. Then that all changed. I have been in and out of the crisis unit since then at least 9 times, went to a psychiatric residential home, and had so many psych evals I can’t even keep up anymore. I also attempted suicide 2 and had a lot of self harm attempts that came close to death.

I live everyday feeling less than enough and feeling inadequate. Everything in my life seems to go wrong, but lately I am trying to practice gratitude. I have a lot of love from the people around me, people who genuinely like me and care about all of me, the broken and the good.

I also find ways to help others with my struggles. I have a mental health blog where I post different topics related to mental health giving support and advice. I also love to share my wisdom when I can.

I find joy in knowing I am loved and spreading that love with others. It makes me feel important and needed. It makes me feel good. I would say for anyone feeling like they aren’t enough and like there life will never get better, to lean into what makes you feel good and use that to remind you that there is light in the darkness.


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