The Mother of Invention

   I’m having a real creative crisis right now. I’m even having trouble knowing where to go just writing this. I’ve been doubting myself & the decisions I’ve made concerning my credibility. Leading to indecisive um…what was I saying? I’m stuck in a rut & can’t get out. Do I keep the name Cleopatra’s Bath or do I change it? Proctor & Gamble started making a detergent back in the mid 90s called Cleopatra Soap. So its not the same thing but you know how litigious this country is. I didn’t start Cleo until 1998. I don’t even have the copyright proof of my superiority. The name Cleopatra is not unknown, every 4th grader should know the history. I’m not the inventor of Cleopatra’s Milk Bath. Only a translator into my own life. This country is all about reinventing yourself. Right?


  I started this Endeavour for many reasons & Cleopatra’s Bath is such the perfect name. Tell me I’m wrong. My entire concept is created around this. I have a logo, a label design, name recognition, a blog & soon a website. If I have to start all over I think I just might faint. It has opened my mind a bit to other alternatives, but that’s all they are, alternatives. I have a Mother Co. called Molten Distortion. It encompasses my art (paint, pencil, graphic, photography), my crafts (cork boards, decoupage post cards, jewelry) & Cleopatra’s Bath. Now, I own Molten Distortion outright. So, maybe “Cleopatra’s Bath” a Molten Distortion Production. How very Spike Lee. The stars are indicating time for new beginnings and that can mean some down time. I’ll use this time to start my lavender & rosemary seeds. Heirloom tomatoes here I come!



It’s these feelings of self-doubt that derail even my most recognized & acclaimed formats. I can ignore the uncertainty, like a cop following you in your rearview mirror, and stand correct in my own creativity. Or, change the name under my personal peer pressure and secretly regret it for the rest of my life. Oh, WOW! I’m kinda stating my case in no uncertain terms. The answer is so obvious now that I’ve gotten it out there for all to see. So sue me. You won’t get much. I will ruin you with my scathing reviews & unrelenting harassment. Of course I’m kidding. I’ve got better things to do. Like make soap!

Still, the question remains… what will she do? Tune in to find out. Film at 11.








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