This was good for me this morning, so I\'m passing on a web site and some thoughts that might help from Katie at

You move totally away from reality when you believe that there is a legitimate reason to suffer.

Reality is always kinder than the story we tell about it.

I\'m very clear that the whole world loves me. I just don\'t expect them to realize it yet.

There are no physical problems—only mental ones.

Reality is God, because it rules.

When I am perfectly clear, what is is what I want.

Arguing with reality is like trying to teach a cat to bark—hopeless.

How do I know that I don\'t need what I want? I don\'t have it.

 Forgiveness is realizing that what you thought happened, didn\'t.

Everything happens for me, not to me.

Gratitude is what we are without a story.

When you argue with reality, you lose—but only 100% of the time.

Personalities don‟t love—they want something.

If I had a prayer, it would be this: "God spare me from the desire for love, approval, or appreciation. Amen."

Don\'t pretend yourself beyond your own evolution.

An unquestioned mind is the only suffering.

You either believe what you think or you question it. There\'s no other choice.

No one can hurt me—that\'s my job.

The worst thing that has ever happened is an uninvestigated thought.

Sanity doesn\'t suffer, ever.

If I think you\'re my problem, I\'m insane.

I don\'t let go of my concepts—I question them. Then they let go of me.


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