Today…her dad found out that we have been having a lesbian relationship for over a year now. We were sitting in the kitchen when he came home and told us he knew..and told me straight to my face that I needed to leave and never come back to their house ever again. She took me home and the ride was silent. She cried silent tears…but I held it in. I couldn't cry, it would only make it worse. Make it real. When we got back to my house, she came in with me and we went to my room. I held her close to me as long as I could. Kissed her tears and held her tight. Her dad finally texted her and told her to get home, so she had to leave. I had to let my baby go. I held her close one last time and we promised each other we wouldn't let this ruin us and we'd be ok. We'd be strong and we'd figure out some way to make it through this.

I called my older brother and he came to pick me up. As soon as I saw him, he wrapped his arms around me and the walls broke. I cried so hard. I went for a ride with him, I don't even remember where to. Then we went to Subway to get his daughters something to eat. The Subway that she works at. She went for a bathroom break and I met her there. I got to kiss her again…I will never take another one of our kisses for granted.

So this is day one. I can't eat and I can't stop shaking. I feel like I'm going to throw up. A day ago I had everything and now I feel like my world has been taken from me. I don't how I am going to deal with this…

1 Comment
  1. CeruleanKisses 17 years ago

    I'm so very sorry…  I hope one day her parents will understand better. 

    0 kudos

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