Well we got confirmation of what we feared. My son has severe anxiety and ocd. We were given a list of therapist for CBT and a 25 mg prescription For Zoloft in case it takes too long to get the appointment. I took some advice from a few people and got the book Brain Lock. My husband and I would rather not drug our kid but at the same time are not naive and will do what we need to get him some relief. We sat our 13 yr old daughter down and explained to her what is going on. She cried and is very sad that he is dealing with this. We are a tight family that loves each other and we know that we will need family counseling to learn how to help him. She is a good kid. He does drive her batty and I hope she will find more patience with him. I am not sure where to go from here with school and other family members. I am thinking of a 504 for school. I think I will thank myself later. I also do not want him labeled. I wish society did not have such a negative thought with things like this. I also feel that family should know. I think just an understanding of why he asks the same question over and over or asks if he will get germs from something or if he can catch cancer. Just last week I heard my uncle ask him if he was deaf that he had asked that question already. I just struggle with not wanting him labeled or people to be strange with him. As a parent we try to protect our kids from any harm and it is devastating to know I can not fix this for him.


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