I don't know how I got here. So I can't figure out how to ge back out. in the last year. My husband has been physically abusive. Slammed me into couches, boken my toes, broken countless things in our house. All in an effort to control me and stop me from leavinghim, becaus he was cheating. Finally it escalated to him pulling a gun on me and then firing it. The judge downgraded his charges of a felon in possession of a firearm to improper exibition of a firearm and he also downgraded aggravated assault to simple assault. He was arrested in Feb of 09' for domestic violence. He spent 30 days in jail with a year probation. He is already a convicted felon on state probation. This is the second time he hsa been arrested for hurting me and they just let him wal k away from it all. He got time serrved (which was 4 months) for the assault on me and then he got 1129 for the other charge and for violation his probation for the second time. I filed for divorce but he is fighting me on the divorce. He wants me to give him a second chance and let him come home.. He is refusing to sign the paperwork and dragging the divorce out. I am terrified of him. He will be getting out in AprilMay of this year. I know he will be back. I jump at every noise. I cry at night every night. I have night mares and that is when I can sleep. The judicial system just basically told him that what he did was ok. and that what he did to mme didn't matter enought o punish him. I have suffered through this for 3 yrs. I am terrified. Now I can explain it al laway and tell myself that he is in jail and it's ok, but I am terrified of the day he ges ot. Last time he got out the officer brought him by to pick up some of his pesonal things and he talked the officer into letting him go into the house with me alone and he talked me back into taking him back. My mom just down lays my fears and I don't know if it is because she is terrified too and doesn't want to make me feel worse or if she really oesn't believe me. but she doesn't know him like I do. I am terrifed of what he will do when he gets out.mHe has no conscience and isn't afraid to go to jail again cause he truly believes that he will always get out of it. Thankfully the harrassment from his family has subsided. They terroized me for months telling me it wsas my fault that he did what he did and I should have just let the violence and cheating go. I don't know what to do. I am afraid to talk to councelors, I am terrified of talking about it to othes. I go home and stay by myself and I cry and I try to put on a happy face for everyone else. I also cut myself. The stress and anxiety get so bad that I cut. Mymom tells me that I am stupid for doing it. I think she is scared and doesn't know how to deal with it. Nobody does….

1 Comment
  1. canttakeanymore 13 years ago

    i understand you more than you know,i was married to my highschool sweetheart,he cheated daily then the beattings started even when i was asleep he would hit me.broken bones i understand,he stabed me onenight and broke my nose in two places he cracked my scull.they thought my brain was bleeding.it was the one time i thought he was realy gonna take my life.he licked the blood and spit it in my face…he was going to kill me i ran out the backdoor..i took him back everytime finaly i got away and went somewere he couldnt find me so we after time we were divorced.i started cutting and using drugs to stay awake so i was ready if he tryed to get me..they will go away no it wont be easy your not crazy,and my parents wouldnt listen to me.still to this day if he is getting close i get sick to my stomach and can say hes comming..i promise better days are comming..i suffer from anxiety attacks bad from everything but im drug free 15 years and have not cut for 7 but it took alot of help from stress units and councilers.but i am remarried and my husband keeps me safe.but i own a gun and if he ever gets in my home and puts his hands on me it is his last time seeing daylight..you have the right to defend your self in your home.also if you need to you are welcome to come to my little part of the world noone will hurt you..

    0 kudos

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