This is the first month of a full academic year of teaching my graduate classes remotely.  My students are amazing but stressed.  We are managing as best as we can remotely.  My family is supportive but everyone else is leaving the house for work or school most days.  I try to walk with friends and visit my Mom once a week.  The isolation can become profound at times.  I didn’t sign up to teach fully on line so this is challenging.  I am/was very work identified so I am having to recalibrate.

I am now going up to the university 1x a week just to stay connected to my former life.  It’s helpful to make a plan to be there when others are there as well.  We will get through all of this.

I am thankful to have my job, my family and my health.  Life is so challenging for so many right now.

I turned to this on-line community to feel helpful, useful and not alone.  The picture I included with my blog is a sunrise shot taken at Cadillac Mountain in Maine.  I went there with my family this summer.  It was one of the most breathtaking thing I have ever seen.  Thanks for reading and I hope you have a better day today than you did yesterday.


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