Hey Guys

This isn’t my typical angsty blog but pretty much just an update on what’s been happening with me and why I haven’t been on as much lately.

Well to start off I got a puppy! She’s super cute and pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have pictures of her on my page; but there’s an upload limit on here so no recent ones; need to go delete old pics before I add more. So obviously I’ve been spending a lot of time with said puppy and most of the time I’m home I’m playing with her or just snuggleing (because she’s a cute snuggley puppy).

Also; I’ve got a big research conference coming up in 2 weeks. For those of you who don’t know. I’m a researcher in anxiety –> specifically PTSD animal models. So there’s the big conference in Chicago for neurscience people (which I am one seeing as I look at things in animal brains to ameoilorate PTSD) and I’m super excite and nervous. This will be my first time ever going to such a thing so I’ve been prepareing and getting a schedule etc. Seeing as I’ve never crossed borders alone before this will be a challenging trip but I’m sure I can do it. And there’s always other people around in the same situation I imagine seeing as over 30000 people will be coming to the conference.

So yeah; pretty much busy with research up the ying yang and when I’m not working I’m spending as much time as possible with puppy. So I pretty much only get online for about 30mins between when I put Bailey to bed and when she starts whineing for me to go to sleep so I turn the lights off. Soooo… uber stressed but I’ve got Bailey so all if good.

Lots of love guys!



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