After waiting and dreading for forever, Mockingbird day finally came yesterday. I chaperoned the sophmore class trip to Mpls, MNfor the theatre production of 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. Not bad. The bus ride about broke my back, but the kids were good. The theatre seats were terrible, but the play was good. Well, how can that show be bad, right?! Halo was right, Boo saved the day, just like he always does.

Last time the kids did so well at Science Olympiad they had to go to regionals, which was today in Milwaukee. So we got up at 1 am, and they left the school at 3. Back at 6 pm, and now she's off to Prom, and then After-Prom party at the Univ. in Eau Claire. She really gets around. I like her life. And I like her friends, she was talking about her prom clothes on the bus ride to the play, and they were all supportive and understanding. I don't know about the rest of the school but her social circle is behind her, so that's good. Big worry eased as well.

I never went toa Prom. Never owned a fancy dress. Not even to this day. I'm glad she lives like she does and not like I did. We (my sister and I) got bitched out for WANTING to go. I didn't get to be in clubs either. We got in trouble when we cost money. Maybe I will google my mother. I assume she's still alive, wouldn't someone tell me if she died? Not sure how that works. I haven't seen her since….I think it was 1994. She's never met my kids. She's really mean, and not made right. My sister and I aren't sure what her diagnosis would be other than evil. Maybe I'll email my sister tonight too. Or maybe I'll skip all that and take a bath and go see what Prom looks like. Hmm. What to do…


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