We all have past experiences of good, in between and some undesirable events / experiences.

Every experience wires us for how we react to what happens in the future which some refer to as “triggers” and also what situations and people we feel comfortable around.

It can be both alarming and affirming to connect situations of the past to recreated situations of the present.   Some people refer to this as “break throughs.”

The knowledge leads to clarity and being aware of betrayals and acts of kindness that one may of not noticed at the time in their past.

Knowledge from the past and learning about why you think and feel the way you do is a invaluable tool.   The tool of unlocking this information can lead to a better future with healthier expectations of others and fully having self worth from within verses seeking it from others.

The journey that you traveled  to get to where you are now is one to be respected.   We all do the best we can with what we know at the time.    It is a choice to unpack the things about ourselves that could be explored.

Remember, no matter what you have experience, your self worth came with you when you were born.    No one can give it to you but they can try to bring you down to build their own self worth.

I heard the saying, “The price of peace is pain.” Author unknown     It makes sense to me because we can have situations that were lose / lose no matter what we decided to do within our power.

It applies to child abuse, romantic or friend relationships that aren’t healthy, toxic job situations, etc.

In these situations, it may seem like a “no win” either way what you decide to do that is within your power.    It is true that there may be emotional pain, economic loss etc.   However, decisions can be needed to made to keep your life from getting worse.   It is just reality that the situations will live in your memory as a part of you.    Closure can be self created and time dulls the emotional pain and vividness of memories that exist in your thoughts and dreams.

The best you can do everyday getting through life is good enough    Don’t punish yourself for things that were not in your control.  The people who opted to treat you poorly and unfairly do so because they opted to do so.   Also, it reveals poorly on their character.

You are lovable  💜 now and have always been worthy of being cherished.




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