Well, I finally plucked up the courage to go to the dentist… I'd been putting it off for a while and had cancelled a few appointments. Last year I got majorly upset when I couldn't go, cos my anxiety was too bad, and was so frustrated/depressed about it I ended up self-harming (cutting my wrist).

Lately, I'd been having mild tooth pain and convinced myself I was gonna need all my teeth drilled. I nearly fell off the chair with surprise, when the dentist told me my teeth were fine and healthy. All that worrying for nothing!

Which is more evidence that I do worry waayyyy too much and blow things out of proportion. It's good news for me to realise that – My new motto is: "It doesn't matter". It really helps, cos it stops me making huge issues out of things that are insignificant to other people.

The turning point came, when I worried myself stupid, just before Xmas, because my family were having a big get-together (I have a big family) and I didn't wanna go, cos when people ask, "What are you doing in life now"?… I didn't wanna have to say "erm, nothing, since I'm crippled by anxiety". I convinced myself they would look down on me, because I have anxiety and don't work or go out much.

So, when I didn't go, I then convinced myself that the rest of my family would think I didn't care and hate me for not going. Luckily, I decided to be brave and talk to them about it and I was totally surprised when they reassured me that no-one was looking down on me, and that they were all friendly and supportive. In short – I was worrying for nothing.

That's been a huge, life-changing lesson to me and I haven't worried so much, since. It's like something clicked in my head… My perception shifted, and suddenly I realised how silly and insignificant my worries really were. I also realised that the reason for alot of my anxiety is feeling bad about myself. I've made the effort to build my self-esteem, since then – Reminding myself of my positive qualities, instead of focusing on my negative ones. Being kind to myself and not punishing myself when I can't do something. Doing activities I'm good at.

I'm amazed at how much better I've been, since I started doing all this. I really do feel like a new person, and that I have a positive outlook on life. I know I do have recurrent depressive periods – So I've written myself a "letter of well-being", reminding myself of these important points – So that if I am ever down and have lost my way, I can read it and hopefully see clearly again.

My new, Highly Sensitive Person's Workbook has helped me hugely too. Coming on this forum helps hugely too. It's so nice to be around people who understand what you are going through and that we can all help each other.

 I really hope this good phase lasts, and I'm doing everything I can to make sure it does.

Peace xx


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