I don't normally read much…It takes a lot for a book to hold my attention long enough to make progress through pages. I started reading Twilight (recommended to me by my mom; not because of the movie) and I read it in less then 3 days. It's a 450 page or so book. I'm by no means a fast reader and I was flying through pages and couldn't bear to tear myself away. The story caught me up and I was finished and awaiting more as soon as I set it down. Yesterday (sunday) I went to Borders to get the second book (New Moon). I've had it for a little less then 24 hours and I'm almost 1/2 way through. Stephanie Meyer is an awesome writer who can hold your attention better then any writer currently out there. Her style of writing is very much real life, very descriptive and romantic in nature. Much like the Fearless books, Twilight & New Moon offer suspense, thrill and romance…It pulls you in and I've found myself wondering if the reason I've been so involved and so caught up in the books because I need a distraction. I woke up this morning and realized I'd dreamt about the characters in the book. The turmoil that haunts Bella (the main character) and I felt like she was part of me. It was bizarre. Needless to say last night was spent tossing and turning. Today at work I've been miserable (nothing new there) and all i've wanted to do was escape from my desk to my car so I could submerge myself into the book. My mind sits and wanders to the story line and the problems and situations that face the characters in the story. I want to escape and the easiest and cheapest way to do so without anyone questioning me or looking down upon me is to escape to the book. I feel that its a healthy route to take but at the same time my obsession and addiction is starting to make me question my motives for being so caught up in it. It sounds stupid and silly I'm sure. But the hour of lunch (which I didn't even eat during) was caught up in the story…I was emersed and barely was aware of time around me. ::sigh:: I dunno! This is all a big rambly and insignificant I'm sure.

1 Comment
  1. prism 15 years ago

    I love it when the story takes over and the ouside world disappears. All that is left behind is you looking at what is going on in the story.

    0 kudos

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