Hello. I am new here, and thought I would try to write about my personal experiences to share with others and hopefully benefit others as well.

This blog is going to be focused on healing. It’s going to be about my journey, but maybe some of you can relate too.

Here is some of my background information for those inquiring:

I am 17 years old and recently hit rock bottom. i’ve suffered from major depression and anxiety for around 5 years. It has been my greatest weakness, a curse, and maybe just an unfortunate occurrence. But recently, it has also become my greatest strength, a blessing, and something i have come to deeply appreciate.

Through experiencing one of the hardest times (so far) in my life, I was able to awaken a place within myself that will continue to guide and nurture me for the rest of my life.

You could call it a break through, a spiritual awakening, the result of my neurofeedback trainings, the countless acupuncture treatments, or all of the above. But either way my path to enlightenment began. I am hoping to find other people my age who have experienced the same experience in their own way, and connect with them while we embark on our spiritual explorations. I crave deep connections that most my age cannot attend to. And i just hope to find others like me who are struggling with what feels like a curse and a blessing at the same time.

I am hoping to write about and share this new journey i have embarked on on here as well. I will continue to write more about my past, struggles,  etc. This is just the beginning, after all.

And to anyone who reads this and relates is any little way:

i am open to anyone who would like to talk, please comment anything you’d like.

1 Comment
  1. natureschild 6 years ago

    Wow. I just read this and it basically summed up a lot of what has happened to me and what is happening to me as well. I’m 17 too, and it’s been extremely hard to even talk about the way I’ve embarked on a new spiritual journey and a new life journey all together with anyone because I find that it always feels like there’s a disconnect with understanding.

    0 kudos

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