Good evening, I really like this website. Hopefully, someone can give me clarification on the mood component. I am LD which makes understanding activities difficult if I am not given the details, steps, or information to gain the full benefits of an activity. So here goes….. The rating for mood is 1 through 10. What does 1 and 10 mean. Bad, good, positive, negative? Why is the activity asking me to compare my mood to others. I do not know what others we are talking about, and I cannot know what others mood are unless they tell me or I ask them.  I thought that in life comparing yourself to others is a bad way to interpret or understand myself……unhealthy?

1 Comment
  1. 4everalone 2 years ago

    I think that for the mood rating, 1 is really bad and 10 is really good. For me, the high is 5 at best. It would take me winning the lottery to hit 10 on that rating, and it would be only momentary.

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