Well folks…all good things come to end they say…and this is so true….My therapist informed me on our last weekly session that she has put in her two week notice at the current facility where I see her and is moving on…her boss is kind of a jerk and has a large large turn over of help in both therapists, and office staff. As a result I am temporarily discontinuing my counseling. I will not go back to the current facility after Laura leaves. If need be I will hopefully be able to contact Laura again if I deem that I want to continue treatment. My last therapist at this facility was also let go and I was turned over to my current one, Laura. She hopes to have two more visits with me…today and next week if her boss does not let her go before hand. It is very very sad for me…she has helped me immensely…I use the analogy of a balloon that was deflated when I first started going to see her (and the former therapist of mine,) I was lifeless, hopeless, had no motivation, no drive, was depressed, had no emotion, no love, no drive, no nothing…I couldn't stand to be alone, thought for sure (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that I was dying, was way way too skinny, and I was about to "call it a day." Then Lacy came into my life…Laura then followed, they provided me with air and re inflated me with life, with air, with hope! Today I am alive! I get happy, I get sad, I get angry, but I am alive and I know it. My balloon (my soul) Is reinflated. Thank you so much…you have truly changed my life and I will never forget you for that. I have printed this out and will give this to her as a token of my appreciation…

  1. Digger1 14 years ago

    Well written!

    0 kudos
  2. ancientgeekcrone 14 years ago

    I am sorry to hear your news,  Maybe you can take comfort in the saying that a door never closes without a window opening .  Look for the open window.\"\"

    0 kudos
  3. redyurk 14 years ago

    Im sorry to hear that your losing her.  I know how hard it is to start over at a new theorpist.  I have switched many times due to moving and bad theorpists.  I am glad that you feel so much better now.  I am hoping to find a therapist to help me do that.  Good luck finding a new one if thats what your going to try and do.

    0 kudos
  4. Pakal 14 years ago

     Sorry to hear that, change is always rough.  Remember to stay positive, nothing can undo all that she helped you accomplished!  

    0 kudos
  5. christineann 14 years ago


    I am sorry to hear that about your therapist. It is so hard to open up to new people (if you are like me) I dont know if you feel the same way but I dont feel comfortable with just anyone….I get anxiety and am real shy around new people cause I think they will judge me. It is so good though that you got the help you needed while you had her. do you think you will be ok without going anymore? I sure hope that this will not set your progress back. i just want to give you a hug thinking about it. i want you to know i will be here if you ever need anything as well as your other friends here.

    0 kudos
  6. ryanintelligent 14 years ago

    Thank you so much everyone that was very heartfelt and sound advice. I really appreciate it!

    0 kudos

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