Thank you all whocommented on my first blog ever! I will definitely try to comment on all of your blogs as soon as Christmas break comes and schoolwork leaves!

Today was nice. I must admit. Swimming in Gym wasn't too terrible, and Honors German was pretty easy as well (I was able to quickly jot down a few notes before class, making it look as though I had done homework when, in reality, I had forgotten about it. It's always nice for goody-two-shoes like me to get away with something like that). AP Chemistry was spent doing the homework that was assigned for today because we were having an AP Chemistry party tonight and my teacher realized that we needed time in class to do our homework. The party, which I just came home from, was very nice. I can't believe how close our class has become since the beginning of the year. I'm not sure what I'll do next year without chemistry. I've been taking Chemistry the past two years, and then I'll have to take Physics!

AP English was… amazing. This is where the miracle comes in. My teacher assigned the classa research paper to write over the break and a few days after the break. It should be 5-7 pages and include a minimum of 12 sources. (Bleh.) He handed us a packet of the 5 or 6 topics we had to choose from. The first topic: Accepting Death. The paper would include the view on death, why people fear it, and what comforts us as humans from the idea of dying. I looked up to the cieling and prayed, "God, I am sorry for ever being mad at you. You've shown yourself to me, thank you for this miracle. I can't believe this." I believe that taking on the challenge of researching and writing about my biggest fear may prove beneficial and theraputic in the long run. What do you all think?

Anxiety has still plagued me all day. The shakes came to me in German, although passed in about two hours. I've been feeling sick all day, which did not help to my feeling of distantness and light-headedness.I am hoping that Christmas break will give me relaxing and sleeping time to heal my mind of these terrible thoughts.

1 Comment
  1. irvineguy 12 years ago

    It sounds you have much to do during the day. Way to go on keeping-up with school, as well at being social!

    Hopefully you can write about your biggest fear to the best that you can. I know it helps but do remember that you don\'t have to write about everything that you may think of as some things are just better-off not writing about.


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