Okay. Um, I’m new to the website, so a little bit about me. I am a transgender teen (FtM). I have Depression, ADHD, and ADD. I have attempted suicide. My parents don’t really support me. They keep hinting that my transgenderness is a phase. They say they’re supportive and love me for who I am, but won’t let me have the procedures I want so that my body reflects my mentality. I was adopted at 5 months from Guatemala. I love books and writing and- as my mum puts it- live in an alternate world. And I must say, that’s partially true. In my world, their’s no discrimination against LGBTQ people. No one has a reason to want to commit suicide. And I’m a boy in that world. I don’t have depression in my fantasy world. I do have ADHD and ADD; that just makes me more me. In reality, my life sucks. My friends are really accepting and stuff, but they ditch me to play wall ball, because my games are not their type. I also don’t want to put stress on them by pouring my heart out to them. Also, I would be really embarrassed. So I found this website; now I can pour my heart out to complete strangers. Yay! I’m sorta desperate, so I really want help and support and all that kind of stuff. I just don’t want to wait until I’m 18 to get the procedures. And with my parents, with the thing about saying it’s a phase, I told my teachers that I’m trans. I did it so that if I was not paying attention and stuff they would understand. They also call me by my initials so that I’m not called by my feminine name. When I told my mum I did this, she freaked and said that I was telling EVERYBODY, that it was probably just a phase, and that I wouldn’t be able to hang with my friends once their parents found out. So yeah. That’s me. I’ll write more about my story soon. Thanks for reading.

  1. saraaa 6 years ago

    If you need to talk, I am here for you. I understand how it is not having support from the people you love and need to understand what you’re going through. I can private message you, if you’d like!

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  2. Author
    diangelo 6 years ago


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  3. Hey! Just want to say that I really hope things get better for you. And also, we’ll be here for you!

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  4. alizamay 6 years ago

    Hey 🙂 I’m glad to see that you’re posting this. Just please never commit suicide. It can feel like the answer sometimes, but if you do, you’ll only hurt. It won’t help. I totally understand about the whole “phase” thing. Parents seem to think that everything is a phase. But if you know that it’s not, then it’s not. Your parents may not like the fact that you are a boy, but they can’t change it. So I suggest you just have fun. Be you. It’ll all work out in the end, I promise.

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