I had a dream last night that was really weird. I was in the army and I got loaded onto a truck with a bunch of other people. The truck crashed in the woods and I and the rest of the squad left the truck since the driver was gone and we proceeded to where we were supposed to go. One of the places we were supposed to check up on was an old bunker. I found the bunker and started to check it out. It was really small, but it was filled with weapons, amo and had a bathroom and bedroom. I look out the front door and saw a guy from my teens. It was the guy that forcefully took my virginity. He had a rifle (he was in army uniform too) and he started to try to have a conversation with me. I was ignoring him and finally told him not to come inside of the bunker because I was the one that was supposed to check it.

I found a briefcase in the bunker and heard a tickking from it. It was a bomb. I threw it out of the bunker and shut the doors on him. I locked them from the inside and put up the electric barrier on the doors (it had a switch for that) and the bomb went off and the bunker shook a bit but was completely fine. Trees were falling everywhere (it was in the middle of the woods) and I heard the guy yelling and begging for me to open the doors. Once the blast settled down a bit things were still falling and I opened the doors and he was still begging for me to help him. I found him and carried him to the nearest hospital (he was a mess). We made it to the hospital and I saw one of the commanders from the army and he told me "You've done a good job. It's time to wake up now." and then I woke up.

It was a weird dream for me because when I thought back on the dream I wondered why I didn't just leave him out there or why I didn't shoot him on the spot? It was a very awkward dream.

1 Comment
  1. wingless_dragon 13 years ago

     Sounds like he was on your side, not an enemy combatant. Your sense of duty was stronger than your personal feelings, and you chose to see him as a person instead of a faceless source of pain, good for you!

    I hate to get too involved in dream interpretation because I'm usually completely wrong, but to hazard a guess I would say that this bunker you discovered was your place of personal safety, your sanctum if you will. You tried to keep all of the danger and negativity outside but kept the door open. Then you discovered a situation with a lot of destructive potential inside and did your best to shut out the violence and pain and remain unharmed inside your safe place, but even though it was terrible outside and you wanted to keep the doors shut, in the end your caring soul could not ignore that somewhere out there was someone crying out for help 

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