The day began for me by hearing my parents fighting & then as soon as I came down the stairs it turned to pissing at me!!! Can't I just have 2 minutes to wake up? Don't they realize that kind of crap is what made me need to check in to the hospital in the 1st place & just being home that I need a calm environment? They just don't get it at all it seems. I thought their child needing to check herself into the psych ward would help them realize this is real but it really hasn't changed them 1 little bit…they are just as angry as ever,everything is still all about them, & they resent even Hate me for doing this to them!!! I didn't do a darn thing to them me checking into the hospital was for me & my health/safety not about them at All!!!! Seriously get over yourself already…it is not all about them. When are they gonna get that??? Had to hear how angry they are about counseling & me seeing a psychiatrist which isn't my fault or up to me the hospital ordered it they would Not let me come home unless I signed papers stating I would go to counseling weekly & see a psychiatrist to manage my medication so they can be mad at the hospital Not me! If the hospital finds it necessary then they should just accept it & move on they also consented/agreed to uphold the counseling & psychiatrist! I am truly sorry it is a financial burden says them but I am doing my best to apply for programs & assistance with it these things just take time…u can't make them go any faster unfortunately. Anyone have any ideas how to deal with my parents? I have tried all I know how to do & it hasn't worked .


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