Hello all once again,

I been reading a handful of articles lately from around the internet about situations ( some may like to refer to them as problems ) that arise when humans and wild animals and/or domecticated animals and wild animals come into conflict.  Most of the articles deal with animals that have been removed or " delisted " from the Endangered Spices List or other acts of protection provided to the wild animals.  A majority of these articles have been about wolves, although there were others about bison, vultures, bears and other wildlife.  Now I understand that problems and dangers can result when thesew creatures get to close to domesticated animals and humans, but my beef is with the fact that the answer or the term that's often used " solution " is , because it sounds good and gives people a false impression of being the right thing to do, to kill, actually slaughter the wild animal.  There MUST be a better solution, one that appeases the humans AND does not inflict any undue suffering or pain or especially DEATH upon the wildlife that was actually there first and owns ( owned ) the land LOOONG before we selfish, greedy, hedonistic humans came and just took it from them because we decided that it was OURS.  There  are non-violent, non-lethal ways of dealing with issues that arise when humans and wildlife come in contact.  YES, I know it cost money, sometimes LOTS of money, to come up with humane, compassionate solutions to these situations,  what frustrates me is why we're not willing to make the effort to make them happen.  Instead, we take the " cost-efficent" way out, which is really nothing more than a buzz word that people like to hear, and slaughter the animals, instead of building fences, keeping the young of domesticated animals inside solid, secure buildings, or  vacanating our selves and our livestock agaist some of the dieases carried by the wild animals.  All these solutions I just mentioned are out there, and often are realativly inexpensive.  Problem is, to humans who the wildlife are nothing more than a " nuisance "  intruding on our " livelyhood "  and " OUR property " a gun and some bullets seems to be the prefered alterative.  And  the people I REALLY, And I mean  REALLLLLY,  have a problem with are Sport Hunters.  These are people who, let's tell the TRUTH here,  go out and MURDER animals for nothing more than their own personal enjoyment.  They track, and more often, bait an innocent, naive, unsuspecting animal in order to kill it  JUST so they can have yet another trophey for their wall.  We kill the animals in " self-defense ",  well, maybe if we weren't intruding in their yard, their bathroom, their dining room, their home,  we'd have  nothing to defend ourselves from in the FIRST place.  Maybe if we didn't build our houses, our strip malls, our luxury hotels in their living spaces, thereby leaving them no plce else to go  BUT into cotact with us,  we wouldn't have conflicts with the wildlife and wouldn't have to chose between losing something of ours or SLAUGHTERING the wildlife.  Maybe if we did more things that we as allegedly " in telligent, advanced, superior " human beings are COMPLETELY capable of doing and wild animals aren't, we woulden't have to compete with them for food and kill the wild animals when we claim they're  " eating up our livelyhood "  because they haven't  remotely anywhere NEAR the choices that we as humans have.



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