I’ve put up with the effects of anxiety for so long now I can’t remember the last time I felt well. It makes me sad, I am so used to the nausea, stomach pains, panic attacks that it has become normal for me and that’s not fair.

I know it’s no ones fault, but I get angry sometimes, why me? Why am I like this? What have I done do deserve this? Sometimes I just completely break down and cry because I don’t know how to deal with it anymore!

Do I ask the doctors for medication to help with the nausea or do I just get on with it like I have done for so long? Will medication actually help?

Does anyone else feel nausea like all the time? Is this normal? The panic attacks are worse. How do you guys deal with it when you have one? Any advice will be much appreciated!

  1. deadsoulx 4 years ago

    hey i totally feel that. and can truly relate that.
    nausea! yea i felt that a couple of times but it wasn’t any regular.
    panic attacks are really a regular customer to me , idk why and how i start crying all of a sudden for no reason , and when i think about what i am crying for , bad memos and thoughts come up , and BOOM i completely break down.
    well i would suggest music – but sometimes it adds up more pain when you start relating stuffs with the lyrics.
    the best way can be – finding some extra curricular jobs- not like the education one. i mean something that pleases you , something that mesmerizes you , something that would hold you back from thinking – to be exact – overthinking.
    as for my case , i learnt rubix cube. that acted as a medicine for me – a way to distract myself. the story books.
    you can start writing or maintaining journals – write whatever that pops up in your mind – that prevents panic attacks (if not prevent ,then at least it will help you outta anxiety)
    and the nausea thing , if you feel so – just vomit out stuffs. there’s nothing wrong about it!! and drink water(water with sugar , avoid hot drinks).
    these are the few things that i personally tried , and it did work out for me!!

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    • Author
      jessiie 4 years ago

      Thank you so much for your advice. I have tried to find something to keep my mind occupied but I can never seem to concentrate for that long.
      I have never tried drinking water with sugar so I’ll give that a go, hopefully it will help!

      1 kudos

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