So the new year is starting and gee, OCD and Anxiety came right along with 2011. I started the new 17 Day Diet that I've seen on the tv shows, The Doctors and Dr. Phil. If you haven't heard of it, it's new, and the thoery is that if you change your "healthy" diet every 17 days so that your body doesn't get used to just one diet. Of course, exercising is part of the plan. I have been working out and running since August; however, I'm nursing two injuries…one hip and one elbow, so no running since Thanksgiving Day. My fear is that if I'm not able to start running again soon, I won't start again and I have signed up for a half marathon in May. Of course, I'm obsessing over it already. It took me joining a walk/run group on Saturday mornings over a year ago to just get out and walk every week and another 6 months to give running even a try. I'm not fast and that's okay, but I hate the thought of starting the training all over again to just get to where I was before the injuries. I'm still doing a little exercise and I'm going to physical therapy, but the longer it takes, the harder it's going to be. I have a hard time with the obsessive thought of failing at anything I try, so it took me forever, in my mind, to get past that when I first started running and now with an injury, I'm already going over and over in my head as to what I did wrong or failed at not doing right in order to get hurt in the first place. I don't have a great therapist and they psychiatrist that I see is great, but moving on to a new job after she graduates in June, so yet another worry………


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