When most people think of eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia are usually the two that come to mind. It...
where do i go from here if i’ve never been anywhere but here?
natureschild, , Uncategorized, Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, Eating Disorder, Personality Disorder, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, Suicide, 3i hate everything but i love as well. i’m so unhappy. i’m tired. i’m exhausted. i don’t want to...
Life is just so heavy and dark right now – rant alert. *TW*
breaking-free-866, , Uncategorized, Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorder, Obesity, Suicide, Weight Loss, 2I’m not sure if anyone will read this but I’m very sorry that the following rant is negative. I’m...
Hello, everyone. My name (for now) is Cory Afton Blake Grey and I am a 14 year old trans...
Skinny and Empty
RaeBaeMadi, , Addiction, Teens, Addiction, Eating Disorder, Religion, Self Esteem, Stress, Therapist, Weight Loss, 1Anybody who knows me knows I’m a pretty small person. Both in height and weight. I have always been...
my story *tw*
Erinxreneexx, , Anxiety, Depression, Teens, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Eating Disorder, Obesity, PTSD, Questions, Self Esteem, Sleep Disorders, Therapist, 1My name is Erin. I am currently 17 years old. I want to let you know my story and...
My Story
aband0ned, , Anxiety, Depression, Teens, Addiction, Anxiety, Autism, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Eating Disorder, OCD, PTSD, Relationships, Self Esteem, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Therapy, 0so i’m new here, can’t even get the blog categories to work, super nervous about writing this but everyone...
This is where I am right now.
lacunaem, , Anxiety, Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorder, Medication, Sleep Disorders, 0Some day, I may write my entire “story” as to how I got here. I may confess the good,...
Honestly, I have no idea where I would be without music. Of course, my stepmother does not want me...
Why I’m here
Kamryn, , Anxiety, Depression, Teens, Depression, Eating Disorder, Obesity, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, 1I was sexually assaulted and I have just recently been talking about it to my close friends i really...