Family, Yesterday I met with my case worker and she was able to give me my CD4 count, which...
I am so out of wack that I have started this blog three times! I keep deleting and starting...
The fear of a biopsy is one of which worried me more than the results… odd to me that...
The little things that our loved ones do for us can be so sweet. The things that I appreciate...
I come from an artistic family. My mother beads jewelry and both sells it and gives it away as...
i have always been extremely proactive about my OCD and TS, reading books, research the latest studies, looking at...
Yet again….
Tigerlass, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Career, Child, Medication, Stress, Suicide, 1Tonight well today as it's now 3am.. I've put my mood as fearful due to the fact all night...
Life at the moment is a ball of confusion. I don't know which way is up. For the last...
I got a phone call from my dad today… Apparently he called the house while my family and I...